To Whom It May Concern

To You, (If you realise that was you, please read it carefully!)

Thanks for ruin my day! And ya, you're that influential to me! Happy now?
I don't meant to stalk you or purposely viewed your profile.
But you keep on appearing on my news feed that distracting me!
(Okay, maybe is just an excuse for myself to feel better!)
But can you please stop mentioning me on your FB!
I was so fucked up with your behaviour!
Don't keep on blaming and saying that I'm the one who had dump you!
Think back! Who is the one who gave up on our relationship at first?
And since you said that you can't forget me, have you think off retrieve our relationship at first!
You are the one who gave up so soon, and don't forget this is not the first time we broke up.
And you know why? Is all because of your attitude!
I never mention anything about this in the message, cause i don't meant to be harsh on you.
That was the reason why, i asked you out so that i can let you know face-to-face what is the problem occur between us.
I was trying to be good and nice to you, but you don't appreciate it at all!
You remember the time we broke up before this, you asked me a question.
"Will you break up with me once again, if my attitude remain as childish?"
And my answer to you at that time, is I won't!
However, as time passes. I know that I really can't accept it!
So sorry to said that, but i guess its not only my problem.
Please stop behaving like this cause you're making me suffering!
If this incident continue like this, i really think we're unable to become friend anymore.
Please solve this problem in the best way like an adult! Please!

# The reason why we broke up has nothing to do with him and i don't need to explain to you why I'm in a relationship at this time!


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