

I feel so uncomfortable,even myself doesn't know why..maybe is because there are lesser and lesser friend going tuition together..TT how much i wish our gang could be all together completely.but now there is only left three of us go to tuition..speechless,all of them know how much i really care bout them..
i love you,all my dear!

Today in class i was trying to tell my didi as we're going to eat Hokkien fried noodle after school and he told me. 'Oh,KAM LUN TAI izit?' and all of us laugh..and i say 'Is not KAM LUN TAI la!' then i ask Ling,what is the shop name? She told me was PUN GAM LIN,and i repeated it back to WC..'The restaurant named PUN GAM ...' then i stop,wtf she played me and all of them keep on laughing as both of us are acting in a drama..making jokes for them! So shame..TT

After school three of us and Bruce along with us going to Plaza Rakyat by LRT,cause Ilicia daddy and mommy is not free to fetch us..We joke all the way we alk to LRT and inside the LRT too..
We even chasing for LRT when the door is going to shut..when we're in the train we saw 2sho po,Ling and Lilly..hahaha,both of them laugh at us as they say that they heard our voice from far d..^^ we're so excited when running up to the stair..quite stupid but funny!

We arrive at Plaza Rakyat and we had our lunch at KAM LIN GEI and is not KUM LUN TAI or PUN GAM LIN! Ilicia have a look on her watch and that only 2pm there is another half hour before tuition start..then Bruce say he wanna have Shisha and we also wish to try on it.We pay the bill and we went to a bar where they sell Shisha but is too bad cause it is only available at night..we went back dissapointed..TT we're so free at that moment and we went up to Kasturi and king gai there..when our class start,Brucey left..

The End!

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